Monday, July 22, 2013

Our career is our own baby!

Everyone around us will help and support our baby grow...

But is our responsibility to
- provide right nutritious food at right time...
- admit baby in good school at right time...
- provide right financial support for baby to grow and stand on its own.
- provide love and care for baby and spend sufficiently good personal time with baby...
And of course to clean up our baby's diapers and wash baby's bums when in mess..!

Everyone loves the baby if it is good looking..!
Everyone will notice how well or not you are taking care of your baby...!
But truth is knowingly or unknowingly ... we ourselves forget our baby, don’t provide support and take baby's life for granted!!

Remember whatever we say and do... we cannot afford to ignore our own baby for the consequences are far more serious in the long run!


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